The counterculture of the 1960s forged the way for experimentation in how we define health, spirituality, and even leisure. No longer content with the mainstream approach, hippies embarked on a journey to unknown territory to bring back ancient wisdom and radical ideas of what constitutes wellness.
Bohemian pioneers are still charting new territory and redefining well-being by exploring the inner landscape and consciously advancing this awareness. Many activities Western society once viewed as “far out,” like yoga and meditation, are now widely accepted as beneficial for mental and physical health. Many of these unconventional approaches to holistic wellness have real transformative benefits that you can experience for yourself should you choose to embark on a radical journey.
1. Breathwork exercises
Breathwork is the practice of consciously controlling the breath for holistic well-being. Certain exercises are known to calm the nervous system and may decrease anxiety and insomnia. Practitioners also report levels of altered consciousness and psychological breakthroughs.
2. Sound bathing
Sound bathing is the practice of using sound waves to cleanse and balance your energy field and promote relaxation. Practitioners use resonant instruments such as singing bowls, chimes, gongs, tuning forks, and the human voice to bathe the listener in sound. If you don’t have the equipment or access to a trusted facilitator, you can simply chant a mantra like “Om.”
3. Float therapy
Float therapy is a type of sensory deprivation in which you float in a tank of salt water, with limited access to light, sound, and touch. During your time in the float tank, your brain waves will move from beta or alpha, the waking brain waves, to theta, those that come just before and after sleep. Use the tank to increase your creativity and problem-solving capacity. Studies show that it reduces pain and stress, lowers blood pressure, and decreases cortisol levels.
4. Forest bathing
Japanese Forest bathing, or shinrin-yoku, emerged in Japan in the 1980s to treat tech burnout and reconnect with nature. The practice involves disconnecting from your devices and emerging your whole self in nature. Soak up the experience with all of your senses and enjoy increased relaxation and vigor.
5. Earthing
Earthing, or grounding, is the practice of walking barefoot or making bodily contact with Earth, the surface of which is swimming with electrons. The practice reduces pain and improves sleep. Practitioners report improved health, vitality, and mental balance. Earthing is so popular that you can now find conductive mats for indoor use.
6. Cacao ceremony
Cacao is the seed that chocolate and cocoa are derived from. It is used ceremonially for opening the heart and stimulating the mind. It dates back to the Mayans and Ancient Aztecs in 1900 BC. Expect to participate in accompanying practices such as sound baths, smoking rituals, dancing, prayer, and singing.
7. Psychedelic microdosing
Psychedelic microdosing is the method of using very small, sub-hallucinogenic amounts of a substance to gain therapeutic benefits. People are microdosing psylocibin mushrooms, or magic mushrooms, to boost creativity, increase energy and enhance problem-solving skills, as well as treat addiction disorders, depression, and anxiety.
8. Conscious clubbing
Many people are foregoing the alcohol-centered club culture to go “conscious clubbing,” a substance-free night of ecstatic dancing, in which the dancer moves freely and opens up her senses to be fully present. Ecstatic dance is said to take the practitioner into a deep meditative state while establishing a sense of connection and promoting inner healing.
9. Permaculture festival
Attend a permaculture festival and you’ll typically find music, ecstatic dance, and yoga while also learning about permaculture, a method of shaping the land and growing food to mimic natural ecosystems. Permaculture is a hot topic because of its non-destructive methods and positive impact on the local and global environment.
10. Drum circle
A drum circle is a group of people that gathers to play percussion instruments for fun. It isn’t a skilled performance, but an activity done for the enjoyment of playing instruments and connecting with others. It is shown to increase mental well-being and improve the immune response. iv
These methods are invaluable for restoring balance and finding your center in a busy and unpredictable world. It’s more important now than ever to have a means of reconnecting with ourselves and others. Free your mind and enjoy the trip!
10 Hip Self-Care Activities for the Modern Bohemian